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1. 金属材料局部腐蚀电化学

2. 材料表面强化

3. 钢筋混凝土腐蚀研究

4. 材料腐蚀领导中软件的设计与开发


先后负责或参加多项国家自然科学基金、省部级科研及企业横向项目,在国内外核心刊物上发表文章100余篇,其中SCI收录40篇,申请专利5项(授权2项),项目鉴定成果5项。承担SCI期刊Journal of Rare Earths及核心期刊《建筑材料学报》的审稿工作。
[1] Yuming Tang,Yu Zuo*, Jiani Wang, Xuhui Zhao, Ben Niu, Bin Lin, The metastable pitting potential and its relation to the pitting potential for four materials in chloride solutions, Corrosion Science, 2014, 80: 111-119.
[2]Jianguo Wang, Yu Zuo, Yuming Tang*, Xiangyu Lu, Phosphatizing of Mg particles to improve the protective performance of Mg-rich primer on A2024 Al alloy, Applied Surface Science, 2014, 292 (15): 93-99.
[3]Tang Yuming, Zhao Xuhui, Niu Le, Zuo Yu*, The Adsorbing Effect of Calcined Layered Double Hydroxide for Chloride Ions in Simulated Concrete Pore Solutions, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2014, No.2
[4]Pengfei Ju, Yu Zuo, Junlei Tang, Yuming Tang, Zhongzhi Han, The characteristics of a Pd–Ni/Pd–Cu double coating on 316L stainless steel and the corrosion resistance in stirred boiling acetic and formic acids mixture, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 144 (3), 2014, 263-271
[5]Pengfei Ju, Yu Zuo, Yuming Tang, Xuhui Zhao, The enhanced passivation of 316L stainless steel in a simulated fuel cell environment by surface plating with palladium, Corrosion Science, 66, 2013, 330-336 
[6]Xiangyu Lu, Yu Zuo, Xuhui Zhao, Yuming Tang, The influence of aluminum tri-polyphosphate on the protective behavior of Mg-rich epoxy coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy, Electrochimica Acta, 93, 2013, 53-64 
[7] Yuming Tang, Guodong Zhang, Yu Zuo*,The inhibition effects of several inhibitors on rebar in acidified concrete pore solution,Construction and Building Materials, 28(1), March 2012, 327-332
[8] Yuming Tang, Y. F. Miao, Y. Zuo*, G. D. Zhang, C. L. Wang, Corrosion behavior of steel in simulated concrete pore solutions treated with calcium silicate hydrates, Construction and Building Materials, 30, 2012, 252-256. 
[9]Yuming Tang*, William Hartt, Richard Granata, Hui Yu, Muhammad U. Farooq, Degradation of carbon/vinylester composites under cathodic polarization in seawater, Journal of Composite Materials, 2012, 46(25): 3115-3120. 
[10]R Pang,Y Zuo, Yuming Tang,JP Xiong,Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study on the failure process of an epoxy/fluorocarbon coating system, Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin., 2012, 28(5): 1146-1152.


2006-2008年,Florida Atlantic University, Corrosion Center, USA, Postdoctor(博士后) 

